LODI RULES Sustainable Winegrowing Program

LODI RULES Certified Vineyards

Currently there are over 70,000 winegrape acres certified across California, in Washington state, and in Israel. Needless to say, a large number of winegrape varieties from LODI RULES certified vineyards are now available for purchase by wineries. Below is a list of LODI RULES growers who have given their permission to be included. To update or add your contact information, call the Lodi Winegrape Commission at 209.367.4727 and ask to be updated in the LODI RULES Certified Vineyard list.


Abba Vineyards
21300 North Dustin Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 481-0773
Contact: Phil Abba

Acquiesce Vineyards
22353 North Tretheway Road
Acampo, California 95220
(209) 333-6102
Contact: Rodney Tipton

Allied Grape Growers
1114 Bradford Circle
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 402-2501
Contact: Jeff Osterman

Angiolina Farm, LLC
3059 Cheyne Road
PO Box 1185
Zillah, WA 98953
(206) 617-9613
Contact: Dan Fulton

Anthony & David Fuso Farms
9851 East Acampo Road 
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 601-3876
Contact: fusofarms@hotmail.com

Arbor Vineyards Inc.
15362 North Alpine Road
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 747-3682
Contact: Jason Eells

Bender Family Vineyards
(818) 634-5777
Contact: Robert Bender

Bennett Vineyard
Lodi (Jahant) Appellation
(520) 609-8661
Contact: Bill Bennett

Berghold Vineyards
17343 North Alpine Road
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 333-9291
Contact: info@bergholdvineyards.com

Berry Vineyard
37220 South River Road
Clarksburg, CA 95612
(916) 744-1241
Contact: Roger & Carol Berry

Bishofberger Family Farms LP
4154 West Turner Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 327-6526
Contact: Susan Bishofberger

Bogle Vineyards
49762 Hamilton Road
Clarksburg, CA 95612
(916) 744-1139
Contact: info@boglewinery.com

Bokisch Ranches, LLC
PO Box 335
Victor, CA 95253
(209) 334-4338

Campos Family Vineyards
3501 Byer Road
Byron, CA 94514
(925) 308-7963
Contact: info@camposfamilyvineyards.com

Charles Spenker Winery
17303 North DeVries Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 368-5746
Contact: Bettyann Spenker

CLR Farms
18388 Cherry Road
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 368-0426
Contact: Susan Schmiedt

Colligere Farm Management
15466 Linn Road
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 327-2489
Contact: Brian Anderson

Cory Ranch
10702 East Acampo Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 369-9632 or (209) 327-3546
Contact: johnlakso@gmail.com

Crete Vineyards
DeVries Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 327-7521
Contact: Linda Crete

Deaver Ranch/Vineyards
21643 Shenandoah School Road
Plymouth, CA 95669
(209) 245-6661 or (209) 217-4398
Contact: Ken Deaver

den Hartog International Farms
7497 Kile Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 794-2542
Contact: Pieter den Hartog

Duarte Georgetown
Spanish Dry Diggins Road
Georgetown Divide
El Dorado Co.
(209) 531-8898
Contact: Alexandra Duarte

Elsholz Vineyards
PO Box 187
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 327-1530
Contact: Allen Elsholz

Grady Family Vineyards
55 Nobel Avenue
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 914-1195
Contact: Jim Grady

Graffigna Fruit Company
PO Box 388
Lodi, CA 95241
(209) 481-0464 or (209) 368-5361
Contact: mallard9@pacbell.net

Harney Lane Winery & Vineyards
8848 East Harney Lane
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 810-3002
Contact: Kyle Lerner

Heringer Estates Family Vineyards & Winery
37375 Netherlands Road
Clarksburg, CA 95612
(916) 744-1094
Contact: grapes@heringerestates.com

Hohenrieder Vineyards
6895 East Peltier Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 370-1640
Contact: Joe Hohenrieder

Hunters Oak Vineyard
18101 East Stampede Road
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 334-4338

Jessie’s Grove Winery
1973 West Turner Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 368-0880
Contact: info@jessiesgrovewinery.com

Joe A. Cotta Vineyards
9414 Kost Road
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-4538
Contact: Joe Cotta

Keith Watts Vineyards
8100 East Orchard Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 334-4070
Contact: Keith Watts

Kirschenmann Vineyard
Mokelumne River Lodi AVA
Contact: Tegan Passalacqua

KG Vineyard Management, LLC
PO Box 688
Woodbridge, CA 95258
(209) 367-8996
Contact: Madelyn Ripken Kolber

LA Delta Investment Inc.
PO Box 1040
Lockeford, CA 95237
(714) 403-4254
Contact: Alyce Peterson

LangeTwins, Inc.
525 East Jahant Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 339-4055
Contact: Aaron Lange

Lewis Enterprises, Ltd.
PO Box 257
Victor, CA 95253
(209) 334-1309 or (209) 329-9156
Contact: missionv2@yahoo.com

Lock L. Ranches
5271 West Turner Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 481-1315
Contact: locklranches@gmail.com

L.W. Moore Vineyards
1844 West Highway 12
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 327-8461
Contact: Loren Moore Jr.

Machado Vineyards
25300 North Tully Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 327-2315
Contact: machvnds@clearwire.net

Manna Ranch
775 East Acampo Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 470-3572
Contact: Brandon Sywassink

McManis Family Vineyards
18700 East River Road
Ripon, CA 95366
(209) 599-1186
Contact: mfv@McManisFamilyVineyards.com

Mohr-Fry Ranches
12609 North West Lane
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 334-3808
Contact: Bruce Fry

Molles Vineyard
3747 West Woodbridge Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 329-3671
Contact: jsmolles@yahoo.com

Nestor Enterprises
13852 East Peltier Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 224-7957
Contact: Lee Caton

Nickle Ranch
5631 East Kettleman Lane
Lodi, CA 95240
Phone: (209) 369-0524 or (209) 712-6857
Contact: snickel49@gmail.com

Peltier Winery & Vineyards
22150 North Kennefick Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 367-4882
Contact: Hadyn Schatz

Phillips Farms LLC
4580 West Highway 12
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 368-7384

Quail Run Vineyards
PO Box 528
7330 Perry Creek Road
Somerset, CA 95684


R & G Schatz Farms
22150 North Kennefick Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 365-9634
Contact: Hadyn Schatz

Reamer Farms
33939 Jefferson Boulevard
Clarksburg, CA 95612
(916) 417-0821
Contact: info@reamerfarms.com

R-N-R Vineyard
PO Box 144
Clements, CA 95227
(209) 759-3265 or (209) 327-3165
Contact: rrvineyard@yahoo.com

Roland Hatterle Vineyard
PO Box 1446
Woodbridge, CA 95258
(209) 369-0633 or (209) 329-2904
Contact: winemaster@clearwire.net

Round Valley Ranches
PO Box 885
Victor, CA 95253
(209) 369-6805
Contact: Aaron Shinn

S&V Dutra Farms
6109 East Peltier Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 210-0255
Contact: Steve Dutra

Salman Farms
14535 Sutter Isle Road
Courtland, CA 95615
(916) 439-3497
Contact: Joe Salman 

Schulenburg Vineyard
15740 Moore Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 334-0450
Contact: Bob Schulenburg

Semas Vineyards
8123 Camp Road
Elk Grove, CA 95757
(916) 479-3883
Contact: John Semas

Silvaspoons Vineyards, LLC
11211 Valensin Road
Galt, CA 95632
(510) 599-9033
Contact: Ron Silva

St. Amant Vineyards
1 Winemaster Way
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 367-0646
Contact: Stuart Spencer

Stanton Lange Vineyards
20630 North DeVries Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 368-4859
Contact: Stanton Lange

Starr Vineyards
21634 North Mann Road
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 601-1055
Contact: Charles Starr

Tamayo Family Vineyards
2155 Elkins Way, Suite H
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 513-8463
Contact: sales@tamayowines.com

The Lucas Winery
18196 North Davis Road
Lodi, CA 95242
(209) 368-2006
Contact: Eliza Hess

Trimble Vineyard
10675 Valensin Road 
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 744-0992
Contact: Doug Trimble


Vino Farms
1377 East Lodi Avenue
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 334-6975
Contact: Craig Ledbetter

Williams Custom Vineyard
PO Box 538
Acampo, CA 95220
(209) 471-4039
Contact: wcvminc@att.net

Winkler Family Farms
(916) 599-1052

Yarden - Golan Heights Winery
Galil Mountain Winery
PO Box 183
Katzrin 1290017, Israel
+972 46968400
Contact: Victor Schoenfeld

Zabala Vineyards
39745 Los Coches Road
Soledad, CA 93960
(831) 678-3423
Contact: Leslie Zabala

Zillah Vineyards
2151 Cheyne
Zillah, WA 98953
(509) 969-0515
Contacts: Patrick Rawn
David Rodriguez

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